Monday, 23 February 2009

It's enough to make you scream!!

I took this picture as part of a model folio for Yolanda. She was after a fetish edge.

It's funny how some images make different people feel, but this image, currently displayed in our studio has had much the same reaction, it's how they feel at the moment! Trapped, they're stuck in the current economic gloom, not of their making, tied blindly to a situation they have no control over, and they just feel like screaming.

I never saw this image in that way before. The emotion felt by an individual about an image they see, is as unique as the image itself. For me personally it's not if people love or hate my work, (Although I'd prefer them to like it!) it's being able to spark that reaction that sets the image aside from the norm.

As always, any comments would be apprieciated.

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