Sunday 21 August 2011

David & Charlotte's wedding

You normally get a call from the Bride in the week or so before the wedding just to make sure that everything is OK to set them at ease, but with Charlotte that didn't happen. I turned up to a very laid back Bride, in fact, any more laid back and she would have been asleep!!

When I arrived she, along with the Bridesmaid and Mum was having their hair and makeup done by Donna at Beauty Angels. (It was Donna that done the hair and Makeup for my daughters prom). She didn't disappoint, but then she never does...the Bride looked stunning, as did the Bridesmaid.

From then on what a day we had! It was just fabulous. Not only very easy to work with, but it's been a while since I had that much time with a Bride & Groom without any of the guests commenting on photographers and the time taken. Suffice to say we got some fabulous images.

David & Charlotte are now away on their honeymoon and I'm looking forward to their return for them to see their images...I know they're looking forward to it.

In the meantime, here are a couple of images to whet their appetite!

As always, any comments are welcome.

1 comment:

Math Activities said...

Lovely pictures and awesome photography.

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